Written by Jess Quarello
Hey there, ELM community! Jess here, and I am thrilled to share the incredible experience I had last week at the Team Impact event held at Kyma in NYC. Attending events that align with our mission at Extra Lucky Moms is always an honor. This particular evening was not only inspiring but also perfectly highlighted Team Impact's transformative mission.
The event took place at the exquisite Kyma restaurant in NYC, which funny enough I hosted Matt's 40th birthday at 4 years ago! It was wonderful to meet so many incredible people, including Doctors, sports players, donors, advocates, professionals and most impactful for me, the kids that had been placed on teams. I was so inspired after meeting GMO (GianRaul) and his amazing caregiver Kevin.
Team Impact's unique multi year program is nothing short of extraordinary. The organization matches children facing serious illness and disability with college athletic teams across the country. Their mission is clear: to foster a relationship of belonging, empowerment, and resilience between the children and the teams. It's not just about the game; it's about creating a world where every child facing adversity feels supported, and every team is transformed by a greater purpose.
Over the past 11 years, Team Impact has supported more than 2,600 children. In 2022 they matched 440 new children facing serious illness and disability and impacted more than 30,000 student-athletes.
The evening was a testament to the power of community, storytelling, and the beauty that arises when we come together to support one another.
Stay tuned for more updates on our journey together, and let's continue to change the narrative surrounding disability caregiving. When we're all in together, we truly do win together!
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Donate to the Team Impact Cause here